Tuesday, February 07, 2012


I bought my very first item on Etsy today! I feel like I've arrived! LOL!

It was from Amanda's blog/etsy shop here and here etsy shop here.

I love her blog. She also has twins(b/g) and loves fashion, like me. Only SHE can afford to buy the nicer designer stuff, that I can't. Although she also shops at Forever 21 and other inexpensive stores. She just has great style and I long to be as stylish as her. She is a stay at home mom, but has her 2 etsy shops. Maybe she'll have a giveaway for some free Louboutins? yea right. I don't think she follows me on my blog nor on Twitter, but that's okay.. Anyways, I'm sure I'll love what I purchased. It was some body cream lotion and lip balm.

On to other things... We were able to reschedule our Tax Appt for today at noon. Long story on WHY we didn't go last Friday. Doesn't matter anymore. We are going today. What's 4 days right?

Preston will be moving to then next Preschool Classroom next Monday if all goes well with not peeing at nap time this week. Chase will be left behind if he doesn't get on the ball with pooping on the toilet. I've decided that I will move them seperately. Almost everyone from our room has moved up but them and their birthday was first! So Come Chase! You can do it! :)

Okay. I'll post some more later.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You are the sweetest!! Thanks so much!!!