Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello! I don't even know why I post here anymore. No followers, no readers. It's okay though.

Oh here I am working on Tuesday and I thought since it was slow, I would catch yal up.

Preston and Chase are doing great and almost 4! They love to watch Football with Daddy and play soccer.  Their favorite shows are Super Why, Team Umizoomi and Bubble Guppies.

Chase's favorite foods:
Hotdogs, pork and beans, and favorite snack is Ritz crackers as of now. It changes month to month!

Chase loves to be silly tell you stories about what happened at school and what not. He also likes to for you to tell him how to spell certain names. Its so cute. He can Spell is name and almost write his name.  He knows the alphabet, knows how to count to 30. 

Preston loves the same shows, Preston loves to count and point out letters on signs and where ever. He can also count to 30, spell his own name and other kids too, write is name.  He loves playing soccer and watching football.    He loves to rationalize things in his mind. Asks lots of questions and always says, "but, but, but, but" etc.. So cute

The both like spiderman and power rangers. Love playing together and making up games. So cute. Preston and Chase love to help mommy in the kitchen and also love to help daddy clean.  They say please and thank you all the time. 

Preston is VERY Sensitive and gets mad easily if he's not 1st! Chase is easy going and doesn't mind not being first and just kind of laughs. :)

I'm having their birthday party early again this year at a Jump House place. Should be fun!

I run my first 1/2 marathon the following day on Sunday! Can't wait!

Then I'm having foot surgery 2 weeks after that! So it's a busy December!

Anyways, enjoy some pictures!