So, both my boys are throwing their terrible two's tantrums. Chase will get upset and cry for a little bit and then he's done. You can easily get him to stop crying or start doing something to get his attention off the fact that he can't have whatever it is he wants.
Preston on the other hand, while cry for like 20 to 25 minutes. I mean screaming. On the floor and hitting stuff, i.e. door, bed anything that he can hit and he will kick whatever it is that he can hit. Then he'll just say no, no, and no whenever you asked him stuff. Like, does he want some juice, or come it with mommy, or do u want... I am not sure that's what your supposed to do, but that's all I know. Try to see if they will do something else to make them happy. I have left him there just screaming and tried to ignore and do stuff with Chase, but it doesn't work. He's just soooo mad!!! If he ever did this in public, this would be embarassing...
How do yal deal with your kids throwing tantrums and screaming and kicking? At one point last night, I didn't know if he would ever stop crying. Nothing I was doing was helping. He didn't even want me to touch him. He would get more mad.
What I did to get him out of his funk, was blow bubbles and he popped them and starting smiling and stuff. What will I do next time??
Please , I need some advice! I'm new at this whole thing. :)
1 comment:
Hey! That particular flotation swimsuit didn't hold the boys up as well as I had hoped. I wouldn't let go of them for anything! I think that swimmies (the ones for the arms) would be better. I have 2 more flotation swimsuits to try out this summer, so I'll keep you posted on how they go as well!!
As far as the terrible two temper tantrums....girl, I feel your pain. Luke can *really* hold a grudge and throw a tantrum when he's angry. I don't do much more than just ride it out. I try to redirect, but it doesn't always work. If it doesn't, I let him cry it out. It hasn't gotten so bad yet that they scream, "no, no, no." It's more like they become frustrated or angry and don't know how to take out their aggression. Unfortunately, they usually take out their aggression on each other which leads to headaches for ME!
Good luck during this time and just know that you aren't alone!
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