Friday, June 17, 2011

It happened Again!

Two nights in a row!! Preston was mad and at every little thing. It started both on the way home telling me which way to go. Preston saying " This way!, No this Way, Mommmy!! I want to go this way!! This way Fire Truck house!" Then he would wine and cry while saying this. I try to tell him we cant' go that way, and this way is home and we'll go see Fire truck house later. It doesn't work, b/c he keeps saying it. By that time, he's upset. He doesn't want to get out of the car, screaming. We get in the house and he's still crying and that's when Chase starts crying just because. Then they both want to sit on my lap and then Preston doesn't want Chase to sit on my lap also. This time, I gave Presotn a fruit snack and told him I had to cook dinner and if he would sit in his chair for me and he actually did while saying he wanted apple juice. So I gave him that and he actually say and watch the whole Dora while I was in the kitchen cooking. Chase on the other hand didn't want to watch tv and wanted to be in the kitchen with me and saying "pick up", "I pick up" reaching his arms for me. He's been really bad about wanting to be picked up all the time now!

Then he got mad when we were leaving in the car to go to Target. I needed to get a few necessities, like milk for the night and Preston wanted to buckle his car seat belt. The bottom part is really hard and they aren't strong enough, but HE wanted to do it. He'll say, "I Do IT" "I Do it!"

Not going into any more detail, it was a disaster but we were able to leave and they actually did good in Target and I didn't have to go to the toy section. Thank goodness b/c they always want to get out and then its hard to put them BACK in the basket. It's only good if my hubby is there.

By the way, I'm by myself on Wed and Thurs nights b/c my husband works a 2nd job , so these are the worst nights for them to throw tantrums. I did manage to pick up some Moscato on the way out! LOL!!

I'm already over this!

Anyways, on a new note, I boubht some shoes the other day that i've been wanting. It's those wedge heel strapy sandals? Black leather straps at the Grapevine Outlet mall here in the area. YAY for me.
Also, the boys have another birthday part at Gymboree, but this time its twins girls that are turning 3. They LOVE gymboree!! Too bad, I can't afford to put them in that sort of thing.

Also, we plan to visit my parents for Father's Day, so that'll be fun. My mom is cooking dinner, not bbq ing thank goodness.

So my husband is trying to take the boys to visit his parents house in Houston which is a 4 hour drive from here, BY himself!! I don't know. The boys are 2.5 and I just think it's kind of dangerous to travel with them by himself, but maybe I'm just over thinking and being protective as a mom. What do yal think? I'll have the whole weekend to myself , where I can get stuff done around the house, re organize, shop, relax, etc... It's hard to pass up. Maybe this could be a yearly thing. My husband and the boys go down to Houston for the weekend to visit and mom stays home! :) Then it can turn into a week and then just send the boys off and me and my hubby stay home. Sounds good!! :)

Happy Friday!

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