Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've been told this a 1000 times, but you really can't depend on anyone BUT yourself. I had a new running buddy for this morning. We hadn't seen each other in a while even though she lives right around the corner from me. She wanted to get out and run to relieve some stress , but she texted me last night and said, she would have to take a rain check b/c she had to get into work early. Things happen. I was so excited to start running again at 5:30am again, but didn't happen. I still got up fairly early though and brought my work out clothes to work. I'll guess I'll go to the gym downstairs, even though I'd rather go outside. It's supposed to be 75 today. Beautiful!!

My husband and I are celebrating our 5th anniversary this Friday night. My parents are watching the kids that evening, while we just go to dinner. Nothing big. I'm hoping in the next 2 years, maybe for our 7th anniversary we can maybe go somewhere, we'll see. If I don't have another baby by then, HA!! You know the little girl, that I'm supposed to have that just isn't born yet? :) :) I 've already named her, well named her like 10 times, but I think I am going to stick to this last name.

One of my good friends is celebrating her 30th this Saturday night in Downtown Fort Worth. I'm excited and should be a LOT of fun! I haven't seen her in a bit and her family will all be there and I LOVE her family! :)

Sunday, I have to work b/c I run month end reports and they HAVE to be done on the 1st of every month regardless if it falls on a weekend. So luckily, it'll only take me like 2 hours unless something goes wrong. HOpefully that won't happen.

Then later that day I have my indoor soccer game at 3:30pm. This is the 2nd to last one , then I'm done with Soccer for a bit.

We are signing up the boys for swimming lessons in June and July every saturday morning at 9:30am. I was hoping to be in better shape, but that didn't happen. Hopefully the other moms Won't be in TOP shape either! LOL!

I Finally bought my ticket to Germany/London. I'll be there 7 days and traveling the 1 day going and 1 day coming back. I'll make sure to pick up my William & Kate souveneir because its MY wedding date! :) :)
I'll only have a day in London, so I will hit up the main attractions like West Minster Abbey, The Tower of London, Big Ben, some shopping , but skipping the changing of the guards, I'll just pass by the castle. I've heard its over rated. I'm traveling in October by the way..

I've heard great things about Berlin and Munich. That's where will be and then taking a day trip to Austria to check out the Sound of Music Tour! YAY!! Love that muscial!

The boys are talking more everyday. We have are fun times ,then the crying tantrum cries , but luckily it doesn't last too long.
Yesterday while we were at the park by your house, a Father and his Nanny were walking with twins in the stroller only 6 months old. I thought it was the wife until she told me she was the nanny. Offered me babysitting in the evenings or weekends and I got her number. I'll probably invite her over get to know her and she how she is with my kids. We are always looking for reliable , responsible babysitters that live close since my parents are SO far away. Well 45-50 minutes. Not that far, but they ACT like its Cananda! LOL! I especially like babysitters that have babysitted twins before. Only b/c I know they KNOW what to expect.

Next post, I'll talk more about Preston and Chase and not so much about me. LOL!

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Mazzy said...

Happy 5th wedding anniversary!

You are right about only being able to depend on yourself, especially when it comes to exercise. You get out there and just run, even if a buddy bails on you. Even if it's only for 15 minutes. Just GO. You'll find that it does wonders for your soul.

Awesome about the baby sitter potential! They are just impossible to find. My dad is only 15 minutes away but even then it's still kinda a pain. Plus, I don't want to overuse him, either.