Monday, April 04, 2011

Cookies, Shows and Reading

Last week, I decided to make some oatmeal cookies. It's this recipe I use from my parents Cook book over 40 years ago they got from their wedding. I used to make it with my mom growing up. ONe of my fondest memories.
Anyways, upon grabbing the Baking Soda, it some how spilled on the ground, hince the picture below. Cookies turned out delicious as always and Preston
loves them!

On another note, a few friends who recommended Twilight to me 2 years ago finally convinced me to start reading THE Hunger Games. Hate to say it, but its very entertaining! I want to finish it tonight, but I don't know if I have the time or the energy too. Might do it tomorrow. IN Laws are coming to town and I need to clean! and fold! My DVR shows will have to wait.

Speaking of shows, I know some of you that are FB friends with me saw my post about Grey's Anatomy singing event? What was Shonda Rhimes thinking!??? I mean really? It was the worst episode I'd ever seen of GA. I think this may be their last season. I know I'm going to stop watching finally. I should have given it up a couple of years ago, but I HUNG IN THERE! LOL! I've dropped a few others. Just not worth my time, that is already limited. Keeping Army Wives and Modern Family. Everything else, I really have no rush to see.

It's late, cooking dinner for tomorrow.

Oh and took P & C to their first dental appt. Chase didn't like it of course , but PReston did awesome! Dr. Sullivan(recommended by a fellow blogger) was superb! Love her and the facility!


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