Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Necessary Endings - New beginnings

I've left my current employer last week and I am moving on to a new position at a Marketing Agency! So excited! I wasn't looking intently, but just put my resume out there and was contacted by their recruiter.

Anyways, I have this week off, so I'm TRYING to do work around the house, clean , Organize etc... I hope I can atleast get 50% of it done.

SO today was Chase's first day in Preston's class. He's finally potty trained, so yay!! Only pullups at Night time... It's greatness!!
 I can't believe I never posted this last week, but here it is!

So I love it here so far... Learning about the Marketing Industry is great! I also have the ability to work from home too and my boss is super cool about working moms and how they can get sick and stuff comes up. 

I post more later.

1 comment:

Mazzy said...

Congrats on your new job, girl!! I hope you love it and I hope you really enjoy your week off.. it is a wonderful week!