Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This Morning Set it Off

Here I am driving to work, going down the SAME street that I got 3 traffic tickets on a week ago. I've been avoiding this street like the plague ever since. Well I decided against my better judgment to go this exact same way to work again. Well, I accidentally ran a red light. It was a quick yellow light and I couldn't stop! I tried, but it was impossible. So there I see the camera , then the flash and now I owe the city some more money. I think its $75 for the ticket. On to another payment plan.

I had just recieved, a $195 speeding ticket, that I Can NOT take defensive driving. I guess I'll get it deferred so it won't go on my record. I ticket for my inspection sticker( we are getting on this week hopefully) and then no insurance. I have insurance, but it wasn't in the car. The other car had like 3 of the them. Go figure.

Anyways, that set me in a somber mood and I'm just here today... Gosh, I hate my circumstances sometimes in life. Can I catch a break? ONCE EVER!????

Preston told me yesterday when I put my hand on his forehead, that he HAD a FEVER! Where does he get this from? It's not like they been sick recently. I just busted out laughing when he said that. It was sooo funny. You kind of had to be there too! They are both having Allergy issues right now, so not only does Chase have a runny nose , he has his famous drainage cough. So funny, Preston NEVER gets that cough. I mean, they are TWO different people. :)

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