Monday, August 05, 2013

August 5, 2013

Why can't things work out? Nothing is easy. Everyone is different. People don't understand. No one.  Life is so full of ups and downs.. You don't know this when your a kid. It's sucks. I envy my little boys who get upset over things that seem like such a big deal.  I laugh to myself. If they only knew what's it store. If they knew how much pain there is in the world. How much hatred... I hope they know they are loved no matter what from their mom and dad. Right now, mommy is the world to them. Not so much daddy, but I know that will change in the coming years and they will not want to go with me anymore but stay with daddy. It's nice to feel so cherished loved, 24/7.  They need you. They need your approval.

What do us as parents do? We try our best to teach them.. No one is perfect. I'll make mistakes and I know I've already have, but like my dad says, "All you can do is your best".   So I try to do my best most of the time and that's all I can do.

If you fail at things, you HAVE to move on. Otherwise you will be depressed and succeed at nothing.  So when life sucks, move on, think of the "great" things you DO have and strive to do better and know that you "know" better and be grateful.

My dad always said to me growing up that, "Life is not fair and Nothing is free". So true. The ball is in my court and I have control over me and how I am.. 

This is my learning lessons of my 34th birthday... Hopefully, by 35 next year.... things will be better.

Nice to have a blog to write things down sometimes....

On an exciting note, Hoping to visit Greece in 2014!!! Sister Trip is here upon us!!! 


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