Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gosh! It's been so long!!

I was debating whether or not to ever write in this blog again.. Things are happening in my life that will hopefully be good , but can't discuss now.. Please send good vibes my way!

Chase and Preston are learning to swim! I'm so excited about this. They go to  private lessons with a lady at her home Tuesdays and Thursdays..  Every time they go they get better and better. I was so scared after that first week that they would NEVER want to swim. They were soooo scared!

We are awaiting my sister's wedding July 13th in Virgina Beach. We are turning it into a family vacation. We are so excited. This will be the boys first trip on an airplane and I know they will LOVE IT! Well, maybe Chase will be scared.. LOL! They will love the beach and ocean. I can't wait to see their reaction! 

I'm so ready to go on vacation too! We will be gone 6 days, 5 nights! Then I'm taking an extra day to just be at home and get stuff back together with the house. I mean you always need that right to recuperate.. The boys are now in Pre K 4  and every week at their school they go on field trips. The boys love it! So far, they have been to Putt Putt Golf, Chuck e Cheese and this week Cowboy Stadium! They will also be going to a bowling alley, Build a bear and a Jump house place. They are getting to be so big! They also will be wearing uniforms to school in the fall. That'll be awesome because it'll be so easy picking out clothes! LOL!  Count Down to Kindergarten!!

My weight goal I had at the beginning of the year up until my sister's wedding did not work out so well. As I was recovering from my bunionectomoy surgery, I started breaking out in hives BAD and I STILL think it has something to do with the metal screws in my foot not reacting right to my body.  I may get them removed because I'm still breaking out periodically, but NOTHING nearly as bad as in Jan-March this year. It was very stressful and basically didn't motivate me to work out or do anything because they were so each and uncomfortable.  Then once they subsided to a point, i started working out at the local gym and outside, but just never got into a routine. Then my foot was still swollen and I felt like maybe I should lay off it, so it "all" the swelling could go down.. So I'm trying to eat right and yes I forget that I took steroids a lot in Jan and Feb because of the hives and that also caused me to gain weight.  So I weigh currently the heaviest I've ever weighed (besides me being pregnant) I've ever been. :(  Instead of stress, I just try to watch what I eat and hopefully I'll just fall off one day! LOL!

Work is good and busy. The two other folks in my group have now left, so I'm the last one standing and I've only been here a little over a year! YIKES! Still like it though.

My husband is working hard and spending all of his time he's not working with the kids.  He's a good dad. :)

This fall we hope to purchase another car. I'm hoping for a used cross over SUV. Maybe Acadia, Infiniti JX( is what I really wan).  Then I'm hoping to take the boys to Disney land the week following Christmas. I dunno though. Where are going to find all thsi money! LOL!!

I may start updating this blog again. We'll see.

Adios for now.

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