Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to me!!


I've finally got it you guys... One of the "want" items on my list since the day it hit the market.  It's my baby, my love, my go to guy.. He'll tell me everything I need to know just by asking. I can play with him, I can read him, i can take him anywhere.  He will play with my kids. My kids will learn things from playing with him. He'll teach them things too and he'll read to them.

I'm sure yal have figured it out by now. His name is Kobe(I already named him) and he's is the NEW IPAD and he's white. :)  He's ready for me to pick up him up at the store.  I plan on getting him at lunch time and he will come to work with me for the rest of the day. I could never leave him alone. He's too precious..

Thank you Preston , Chase and Reg for such an amazing Mother's Day gift. I try to be the best mom I can and I know you(meaning husband) put in a LOT of hours at work for me to get one.

I love you boys!! You're my joys, you make me smile, laugh and cry(sometimes) and I appreciate you all.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, God mother's, Play Mothers, etc...  You deserve it!


1 comment:

Matt and Abby said...

Happy Mother's Day! Great gift, enjoy it!!