Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas was Great!

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Santa brought the boys Huffy 12 Inch bikes (Cars & Toy Story) with helmets,
Train set,
Remote control car
Home Depot building set
Mr. Potato Head
Toy Story Nerf gun thing
Clothes etc...

Santa brought me some cash which I'm saving up for an IPAD the first of May! I sacrificing eating out during the week for 12 weeks so I can get one. Pretty lame huh...

I realized my mom doesn't approve of anything I do when it comes to the boys. I can totally tell by her reaction. She doesn't hide it very well, and I'm just like her in that sense. Oh well...

We suck as parents and I already know, so whatever.

My sister got engaged which was aweseome! SO fun!

Other than that , I had a great time with family. Can't wait to do it all over again next year!

Preston is potty trained and Chase is ALMOST THERE! I am suspect they will be done by mid January totally, except for a night..

Still trying to get the boys to sleep in their OWN BEDS AT NIGHT!
I'M DOING IT tonight! Wish me luck! I'm sure I'll be up till midnight and all night long!

I'm excited to what the NEW Year will bring my family and I...

1 comment:

Mazzy said...

Don't say you suck as parents! That is not for anyone else to judge. You just let whatever your mom says or does roll off your back because SHE ISN'T THE MOM. You are. My mother isn't around much, but my MIL is very bossy and judgmental of my decisions as a parent and I have learned that I just have to let it go! God trusted those babies to YOU, friend.

Sounds like the boys had a great Christmas! It sure was a fun year. That is awesome about the potty training. We are light years behind you, so pat yourself on the back big time.
