Thursday, September 22, 2011

Resturants and children

I just read the funniest post from a fellwo blogger. The name of her blog is Buried with Children. See link here.

She is a mom of triplets and a singleton. She was saying how she has trained her children how to act in a resturant and if you never take them to resturants then they will never know. Well, we don't ever go to resturants b/c of what had happened the few times we have take them. So Friday was my husband's birthday, 9/15 and we went to Fridays. We figured since Friday's is NOT a quiet resturant if they were loud it'll be okay. Well it wasn't the fact of them making a lot of noise or crying it was CHASE throwing things! He threw a napkin over the booth to another girls plate, it was horrible. He did it soo fast we couldn't stop him! He just wouldn't sit still. I was really impressed with Preston. AND no the crayons and paper did NOT hold their attention all but 3 minutes. The games on my phone pretty much kept Preston's, but Chase could care less.

Anyways, what I think I am going to do now is take them to a resturant every Friday night and TRAIN them on how we act while there. Otherwise, we will never be able to go to resturants b/c they won't know any better...

Someone commented saying they take their kids to Mexican resturants b/c of the chips ans salsa. My kids have never had salsa, but I think it's time to expose them to it! That might keep them occupied till food comes, but what will they eat? A fajita? LOL!

Any ideas of good kid resturants/loud ones to get your kids accustomed to how to act? I'm determined to get them to sit down and keep themselves busy.

In another note, I ran 2 miles on the treadmill at lunch today work. Now for my 4 miles on Saturday. :) On the road to my Half!

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